Stallion stampede is Saturday from 11-2. Milla from our class will be performing with her gymnastics troup at 11:30 in the gym! I will be working at the bounce house from 11-12. Hope to see you there!
Parent teacher conferences are fast approaching! Please return the sign up sheet I sent in Friday folders this week. We are scheduling siblings school wide on Monday.
We celebrated two birthdays this week.
Happy birthday Ada!
Happy birthday Rossy!
We added a new activity to the writing station this week. Our class can write labels on pictures or write a list. We can write a list of fire safety words or costumes.
At star station the kiddos made a firefighter puppet.
At the math station our class worked on identifying and making sets of apples in Apple baskets labeled 1-10.
Our fluency poem is Leaves are Falling. We added "to" and "the" to our word wall.
Smart board
We worked on matching friends names to their picture and writing friends names on the smart board.
Word work
We added something new to the word work station. Kiddos could write about a friend in our class and what they like to do with them. They filled in the sentence "I like___." By using the word wall and writing their friends name.
We retold The Itsy Bitsy Spider.
This week writers practiced labeling our classroom. We practiced stretching out words and hearing lots of sounds. We used the word wall to help identify letter sounds. We then tried to use more sounds in our writing when we labeled our story.
We made sets using manipulatives to count out the number then practiced adding one for 1 more or took one away for 1fewer. After we practiced together we tried to do both steps together. I would call out "1 more than 4" or "1 fewer than 5" and each kiddo would make a set to match.