Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Week of November 6th

This week in shared reading we talked about reselling stories. We learned that when you retell you must tell what happened in the story, using lots of details and tell the beginning, middle, and end. 
At literacy stations we:

We used the iPads to play an alphabet id game

Our library changed to have fall and thanksgiving books. 

At star the kiddos made a scarecrow puppet. 

At writing the kiddos can label fall pictures, make a list of things they are thankful for or fall things, or write a card. 

At listening we listened to books about fall

The kiddos represented numbers using pictures about fall. For example the page said "6 squirrels" so the kiddos drew 6 squirrels. 

Smart board
We practiced lower case letter formation. 

Our fluency poem is I'm a little scarecrow. We added "and" to the word wall.

We retold the wheels on the bus. We also learned a new game- ABC rock, paper, scissors. 

Word work
We learned to roll " snakes" with play dough to make letters. 

We have been working on numbers to 10. This week we played a game called grab and count. We grabbed a handful of cubes. Counted them, represented how many by drawing a picture, and writing the number. This activity practiced a lot of different math skills. We practiced counting with one to one correspondence, representing sets of things with drawings and numerals. The kiddos did a great job with this activity!

We have been talking a lot about writing goals, what each kiddo needs to be focusing on during independent writing. At writing conferences I talked with each kiddo about what they are already doing consistently and what they need to focus on. I added a visual goal to their writing folder to act as a reminder. 
Some kindergarteners are working on adding details to their story- where the story happened, what they were doing, who else was there, etc. Some kindergarteners are consistently sketching a story with lots of details so they are focusing on labeling their story. We try to hear the beginning and ending sound. If kindergarteners are consistently labeling their story then they are focusing on stretching out words to hear lots of middle sounds.