Monday, September 21, 2015

Week of September 18th

I apologize for not sending this out sooner.  As many of you probably already know I had a death in my family and was out of town on Thursday and Friday last week.  I did not have access to the internet where I was staying so I was not able to post my update last week.  I came back today (Monday) and realized that my sub did not send home Friday Folders so I am sending those today as well! Make sure to check out the picture order forms for school pictures on Thursday!

Help Needed!!

Our room is in need of a room parent volunteer to help in the workroom by running copies, making classroom materials, working on Friday Folders, etc.  If you are interested please email me with the day of the week you would be able to help out in the workroom regularly on.  Thank you!!


We have been working hard this week on our names.  We are practicing identifying our name, writing our name the school way, and counting the letters in our name.  A lot of the activities we are doing are also practicing fine motor skills that will help the kiddos develop good handwriting.  

We read a book, A my name is... Where each page had a different letter, character who started with that letter who told what they sold and where they lived. A my name is Alex. I live in Alabama and I sell alligators.  We thought it would be fun to make our own version of the book.  We drew pictures of ourselves and used resources in the room to find something that begins with our letter to sell. We also wrote __ my name is ___. Filling in the beginning letter of our name and our name.  

We used play dough and wiki sticks to form the letters of our name.  We made a chart about how long our names are.  We used magnetic letters and sorted if the letters we picked up were in our name or not in our name.  We also played with name puzzles and rainbow wrote our name using different color crayons to trace our name the school way. 

Word work

This week we continued to work on the letters b and f.  We practiced forming the letters on the grid lines.  We got out the foundations magnetic tile boards and matched the letters we have learned about so far, t, b, f.  We also played a guessing game where I gave the kiddos the letter or sound the word I am thinking of begins with and some clues.  They took turns guessing the answer.  


We continued to write personal narratives this week. We have talked a lot about writing things that are true not made up. We have brainstormed writing ideas and talked about labeling our stories.  We put the word me on our word wall so that we can label ourselves.  We have practiced together figuring out the first letter to label each part in our story.  We continued to practice writing routines like getting our writing folders and cleaning up when we are done.  


In math this week we started to learn about 3D shapes, or solid figures.  We learned about a cube, cylinder, cone, and sphere. We used foam shapes to slide shapes-we noticed that all of the shapes that slide have flat surfaces.  We rolled shapes- we noticed that all of the shapes that roll have round sides.  We also stacked shapes and noticed that to stack shapes we needed flat surfaces-we couldn't stack anything on the point of the cone or on a sphere.