This week we have been learning all about apples. We wrote an interactive writing chart about which kind of apples we like and got creative when we made an apple boy or girl. We got 2 more little readers to add to our book bins. We practiced reading the books and pointing to each word as we read it. We also highlighted color words to help remember.
On Friday, after everyone got a chance to write on our chart about what kind of apples they liked the best, we made a class book. We illustrated a picture showing which kind of apple we liked the best. Then we got our sentence, I like color apples. We talked about word boundaries and cut our sentence into individual words, then glued them onto our paper.
Next week we will be making applesauce, if you can please send in an apple or 2 by Friday. Thank you!!
This week in writing we have continued to talk about what writers do: think of a topic, picture it, sketch it, and label it. The kids are doing a great job labeling themselves in their stories and working hard to hear and identify the first sound in words they are using to label.
In math this week we finished our shape unit. We know that for a 3D shape to stack and slide it needs a flat side (cube, cylinder, cone) and for a shape to roll it needs to be round (sphere, cylinder, cone). After we finished our shape unit we started a new unit on numbers 1-5. Check out these fun songs about numbers. Count to 10 and Chicken Count We played Chicka Chicka Boom Boom roll and cover to 6 as a whole group. During this time the kids rolled a dice to see what number to cover up- counted the dots then used a number line to figure out the numeral. We had a lot of fun playing and thought it was super funny when we couldn't roll a 3 and that was the last number we needed to cover!!
We are working on being proactive in our classroom. We are learning and practicing sharing, using kind words and tone of voice, using our words to solve our problem not our hands. Here are a couple of pictures of kiddos playing at social centers practicing these important skills.